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Plé úsáideora:Moilleadóir

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Cuir topaic leis
Ón Vicífhoclóir, an foclóir ábhair shaor.
Latest comment: 2 bhliain ó shin by Alison in topic Róihinsis (rhg)


09:20 am, Céad. 24.07.2024
(anseo san Astráil)
will this update better here?

Plans (nefarious & otherwise)

[cuir in eagar]
  • finish categorising templates...in (haphazard) progress
  • add words from Dennis King’s websites (since they already have etymologies!!). Just got his OK for this. (21/9/07)
    in progress: abhus...bláth 04:55, 10 Nollaig 2007 (UTC)

Teimpléad {{liosta}}

PLURAL Cymraeg

[cuir in eagar]

Hi, Moilleadóir ydw i, o'r Wiciadur Gwyddeleg...a rhaid i fi barhau yn Saesneg ;). I noticed over at Betawiki that you’d arranged with Nike to make some changes to LanguageCy.php to handle numbers and I’d like to do the same for Irish since it’s a similar case. I wonder if you could explain how it works? This is my guess...

  • If the number is between 1 and 3 use the corresponding parameter in the {{PLURAL}} statement.
  • If the number is 6 use parameter 4.
  • Otherwise use parameter 5.

...so you’d write something like "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|ci|gi|chi|chi|ci}}" to translate "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|dog|dogs}}".

Is this right? ☸ Moilleadóir 07:37, 29 Ebrill 2008 (UTC)

Mille failte na Nollaig! I know its not Christmas but its the only Irish Gaelic phrase I've managed to pick up from my Irish friends. Thanks for your message. You were almost right with your example except that there is also an option for 0. So your example should read "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|ci|ci|gi|chi|chi|ci}}". When you posted your message I went to look for my notes on this on Betawiki only to discover that they had been accidentally dumped when the old 'control' pages were changed to portals. So I rescued the notes and they are now here. There are also some notes on Wicipedia Caffi archives here (these notes were written before the software was rewritten to allow any number of variables for PLURAL - previously 5 was the maximum). I haven't yet got round to writing a help page on this on Wicipedia - there is so much to do - but 'Dyfal donc a dyrr y garreg'.

We needed to have a separate option for 0 because of a sentence being negative in Welsh when taking of 'dim' - see the example on Betawiki where 'yn gwylio' becomes 'ddim yn gwylio'. Is the sentence stated in the negative in Irish too? If you have the time I would like to know the grammar pattern in Irish for plural.

I should also mention that I made a mistake when requesting the PLURAL function for Welsh - I completely forgot that the pattern for 1, 2, 3 and 6 repeats every 100 - ie. cant a dau gi, etc and I have been way too embarrassed to admit to this to Nike! I will eventually get around to requesting an amendment of the PLURAL function. Where we use the phrase 'rhif o dudalennau' instead of 'rhif tudalen' it doesn't matter anyway. Does the pattern for plural repeat after every 100 in Irish too?

All the best with PLURAL. Lloffiwr 19:19, 29 Aibreán 2008 (UTC)Reply

Comparing words

[cuir in eagar]

I have had a project for Wicipedia in mind for a long time without having the time to start it. It is to create a table comparing words between all of the modern Celtic languages. I read somewhere on English Wikipedia I think about a linguists list of 100(?) common words for comparison. Although I am not particularly keen on lists of things myself, lists are definitely something that Wikipedia is suited to producing! Anyway, would you be interested in contributing to this project, assuming it ever becomes more than an idea? I suppose that we would use the English words (and possibly French) from the linguists list to start building this up. Lloffiwr 19:19, 29 Aibreán 2008 (UTC)Reply

Perhaps adapt this?
Jcwf 00:15, 2 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thanks Jaap, I knew I’d seen Swadesh lists somewhere in my travels.

The power supply in my computer died last week and although it’s been replaced the beast has been behaving strangely since. In the interim I got distracted by real life.

So, happy to help out Lloffiwr, though the list at en.wikt seems pretty good as it is. There are a few that make me wonder (I would have said comhair for count), but it might not be a bad list of words to work on including in the Wiktionaries. This Basic English word list at en.wikt is also interesting, but the choices are a little arbitrary (and maybe not easily transferred to Irish or Welsh). I mean are canvas and servant part of the vital core of modern English? I’m not so sure. ☸ Moilleadóir 02:00, 9 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply


[cuir in eagar]

I think our script pages could do with some tidying up. After looking at them and comparing with en.wikt and en.wiki I have to say it’s a scary prospect, but probably worth doing. There are different versions of functions on different sites and sometimes you find something in Common.js and sometimes in Monobook.js (fr.wikt & Vicipéid have an empty Common.js, fr.wiki have an empty Monobook.js!). We have some things which look like they might be duplicates taken from different sites and some that I'm not sure what they do or whether they're redundant. There’s also some English in there. So, it would be a good thingtm to go through and discuss each section.

Common.js   @en.wikt   @en.wiki   @fr.wiki

Monobook.js   @en.wikt   @en.wiki   @fr.wikt   @vicipéid

Moilleadóir 14:48, 27 Aibreán 2008 (UTC)Reply

Mediawiki css and js defaults

[cuir in eagar]

You're right. They're a mess! I threw them together during the early days as I was trying to stitch together all the templates and collapsibles, etc. I'll make a mini-project of straightening out the whole sorry mess over the next few weeks. If you want to dive in, that would be cool too, seeing as you can now edit Mediawiki space now :) :) - Alison 05:01, 14 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply

An príomhleathanach

[cuir in eagar]

.... I love the work you are doing! :) And, IMO, gorm works way better than uaine ;) - Alison 08:01, 26 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thanks! I was going to ask what you thought after I’d finished fiddling about today, but you beat me to it. I think the blue works better too and green is a little obvious. With the blue icons and without changing the link colour, it would always be a bit tricky finding colours that work.
For the boxes, I think I like the ones with the single solid reversed-out title better. I was thinking of alternating the lighter and darker colours.
Any thoughts on content? I was more or less copying en:Main Page, but of course, they have lots more stuff than us (e.g. Appendices, Indexes)! I think maybe the first box should be about how to get started.
Moilleadóir 09:14, 26 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply

Audio Files

[cuir in eagar]

Hi Moilleadóir,

i've added IPA to August and tried to add a german and am. english pronounciation file (ogg) from wikicommons.

Fist question is, how to add them to the entry August. I couldn't figure out how to do this.

Secound question is, why are you uploading your pronounciation files direkly to this wiki and not to wikicommons. If you would do so, i could use them for the german and english wiki too.

Thank you,

Thorsten.alge 11:07, 31 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply

There's a template {{audio}} - have a look at madra for an example.
I haven't really done anything with audio files here, but I thought Alison talk was adding them to Commons. :☸ Moilleadóir 11:31, 31 Bealtaine 2008 (UTC)Reply
I am! I am :) Just a little snowed under with day-job work right now. BTW - I like what you're doing right now on Mediawiki and Betawiki!! This will work out well for our gawikipedia colleagues, too. Re. MediaWiki:Allnotinnamespace, I think "lch" should work, as it's used as a heading in the results of one of the Cuardaigh options. Far as I know :) - Alison 00:29, 6 Meitheamh 2008 (UTC)Reply


[cuir in eagar]

Yayy indeed!! And, uncharacteristically, I've been adding words too :) It's hard to believe we've come from - what, 17 words?? - to 1,000 in less than a year, as well as building almost all the major underpinnings to the wikti as Gaeilge. Largely, thanks to you, I might add! I've been watching the magic 1,000 figure for another reason, too. Once we break the 4 digits, it bumps our rankings within the wikti projects and gets us more visibility, such as appearing on main pages of other wiktis. It's all good! - Alison 14:46, 3 Meitheamh 2008 (UTC)Reply

New editor

[cuir in eagar]

Hi, I'm new to Wikis, but am interested in using the Wiktionary to provide dialectical words. Would you be able to add tags to indicate what dialect variant words come from? Also, I'm wondering if the pronunciation section could be expanded to include reference to the three main dialects? Thanks! -Dun Chaochain from irishgaelictranslators.com

Haigh, agus fáilte go Vicífhoclóir :) It's great to have you here. Feel free to create an account if you wish and yes, we should look into dialectic entries. There are huge differences between Uladh agus Mumhan, etc. Moilleadóir is the expert on that stuff :) Again, welcome to the wiki and feel free to get involved. If you've any questions, I'd be glad to help - Alison 00:26, 6 Meitheamh 2008 (UTC)Reply


[cuir in eagar]

Hi, a chairde, Ar irishgaelictranslators.com, bhí mé ag caint faoi fhoclóir "foinsí oscailte", a bhfuil leaganacha canúna le fáil ann, a chruthú (féach an "snáith" dár teideal OT: Dialect Dictionary). Tá suim ag ceathrar nó cúigear ansin sa leithéid. Má tá sibhse sásta, ba mhaith an rud é ga.wiktionary.org a úsáid. Tá mé féin ag ceapadh gur cheart roinn ar leith ar nós "Foirmeacha Canúna" a bheith ann faoin bpríomhfhocal, ach tá bealaí eile ann chun an eolais a chur isteach, ar ndóigh. Ar aon chaoi, ba mhaith liom (más féidir) cloí leis an eolas áit, condae nuair a phléitear na canúintí--sílim go gcuideoidh an t-eolas sin agus suim ag an léitheoir i gcanúintí. Mar shampla, b'fhéidir go mbeadh spéis ag léitheoir (ar mo nós féin) i gcanúintí Mhaigh Eo. Beidh mé in ann teacht ar an eolas atá uaim má dhéanaim cuardach ar "Maigh Eo"; mara bhfuil an t-eolas condae istigh, áfach, bheadh orm na mion-chanúintí ar fad a lorg, e.g. "Ceathrú Thaidhg", "Acaill", "Tuar Mhic Éadaigh", agus fiú ainmneacha na mbailte beaga, m.sh. "an Fód Dubh", "an Eachléim". Mar an gcéanna i dtaobh na Gaillimhe; má tá suim ag an léitheoir i gcanúintí Chonamara, beidh air cuardach a dhéanamh ar "Cois Fharraige", "Casla", "Inis Oirr", agus a leithéid. B'fearr, i mo thuairim féin, eolas mar seo (Cois Fharraige, Gaillimh)(Inis Oirr, Gaillimh) a chur isteach. Le gach beannacht, Dún Chaocháin

Ba mhaith liom níos mó rannpháirtithe a fheiceáil anseo go deimhin. Bhí sé cineál ciúin anseo nuair a tháinig mé ar ais an bhliain seo caite. Is tábhachtach áfach bunaidhm an tionscadail seo a thuiscint - sainmhínithe d'fhocail ó gach teanga an domhain a sholáthar as Gaeilge. Níl sé an-fheiliúnach don fhoghlaimeoir mar sin agus más ar an dream sin a bhfuil d'obair dírithe b'fhéidir gurbh fhearr é a chur leis an Vicífhoclóir Bhéarla (Wiktionary).
Ar ndóigh, d'fhéadfadh sibh an fhaisnéis a chur leis an dá thionscadal. ;)
Cé gur ceann de na príomhrialacha Wikimedia é nach riachtanach cuntas a chruthú, is fiú é a dhéanamh. Is an-deacair ar fad dul i dteagmháil le duine nuair nach bhfuil agat ach seoladh (sealadach) IP. Ag an am céanna, is féidir a fháil amach ón IP cén tír, stát agus uaireanta cén chathair ina bhfuil tú nó cá bhfuil tú ag obair!
Dála an scéil, seo leid duit: is féidir síniú a chur ar do theachtaireachtaí anseo trí ~~~~ a scríobh ina ndiaidh. Tiontóidh sé sin ina shíniú nuair a shábhálfar an leathanach. Tá an cabhair ar nósanna Wiki is fearr le fáil ag Wikipedia agus Wiktionary. Tá difríochtaí ann eadar na vicíonna ar ndóigh ach tá an buntús ann.
Féach an leathanach seo freisin: Vicífhoclóir: Leagan amach. Níl 'chuile rud ann fós, m.sh. níl an teimpléad {{briath}} (a chruthaigh mé le déanaí) luaite ann fós.
B'fhearr sonraí na gcanúintí a phlé áit eile atá níos poiblí agus mar sin cruthóidh mé leathanach nua anseo - Vicífhoclóir: Canúintí na Gaeilge agus scríobhfaidh mé níos mó ar a leathanach plé.
Moilleadóir 19:58, 6 Meitheamh 2008 (UTC)Reply

singular / plural

[cuir in eagar]

Hi Moilleadóir,

i saw your comment on Mittwoch. Do you have seperate entrys vor plural and singular forms?

LG, Thorsten 18:06, 7 Meitheamh 2008 (UTC)

Yes, all forms get a page, well potentially. This seems to be the general trend, though maybe Wiktionaries tend to have different rules for their own languages? Even though the English Wiktionary Criteria for Inclusion says they don't do this for English regular plurals, actually they do. The German Wiktionary seems to do it too - have a look at Katzen.
The page should be simpler though. Only the pronunication (Fuaimniú) section and the part of speech section. Also since the headings put the words into Categories the heading should be a 'form of' heading, e.g. {{-fainm-}} or {{-nounf-}} instead of {{-ainm-}} or {{-noun-}}. That way all these different forms don't clutter the categories.
There is some information at Vicífhoclóir:Leagan amach#Foirmeacha infhillte / Inflected forms, but I haven't really worked this out for German yet and would have to do a little research and create few more templates. I expect Katze is a very regular word and that other words would have more than two forms, but using that as an example I'd write the Katzen entry like this...
*IPA: {{IPA|/ˈkaʦn/}}

# {{.iol|Katze}}
Since all the plural cases are the same I'd just use the {{.iol}} (plural of) template, rather than listing all the cases. Obviously for words where they are different we'd need different templates. At the moment all these 'form of' templates only have Irish names while most other have English versions as well. Would it be helpful to have ones with English names? They'd still be abbreviations though.
As usual, I seem to have made a very long answer, but I hope it's helpful. ☸ Moilleadóir 18:09, 8 Meitheamh 2008 (UTC)Reply

Go mbeannaí Dia dhuit a Mhoilleadóir,

Níor thuigeas aréir ceard a bhí i gceist agat nuair a dúirt to an paraméadar deireanach a fhágáil ar lár ach bhreathnaíos ar Nóinín inniú agus tuigim anois. Maidir leis na dathanna, pé rud a síleann tú is fearr, níl mórán taithí agam ar html áfach. Ní raibh sé i gceist agam mórán dathanna eile a chruthú ar aon nós, sílim go bhfuil na príomh chinn clúdaithe agam cheanna féin.


Translation question

[cuir in eagar]

Hello. Alison suggested that you might be the right person to help me with a translation problem I have. My Irish is pitiful. Not even that good really, nonexistent would be nearer the truth. Normally I can find a synopsis or a translation somewhere, but this from the Mionannála, which I'd like to mention in w:en:Mongán mac Fiachnai, has me beat.

I reckon the first sentence is along the lines of "Years afterwards a great fleet came from Britain [stuff] and was defeated by Mongán [stuff]". The rest is more or less a mystery, although I have a vague idea that his comment to his mother has to do with her praying at his grave. And then there's a stone in the story. So that makes me wonder. I know that somewhere, where I do not know, there's a story which goes like this: Mongán and his mother are walking on a beach; she picks up a beautiful stone and shows it to him; he tells her that some day he'll be killed by that very stone, so she throws it into the sea; years later it washes up on Islay and sure enough, Artúr the Britain picks it up, and throws it at Mongán, and kills him dead.

Is that what the text is about, would you know? If it isn't, do you have any idea what it is about?

Sorry for taking up your time with this trivia. Thanks in advance, Angus McLellan 18:35, 7 Iúil 2008 (UTC)

Hi Angus, my knowledge of older forms of Irish is pretty vague, but it does seem to be referring to the story. Here’s what I’ve figured out so far, though I’m sure it’s not 100% right.

Many years later, now came a large fleet from Britain [dative plural!] to plunder their neighbouring lands so that Mongán came together with a host to put them to flight and drive them back to their boats. However, one of them took a stone from the shore and cast it at Mongán’s head so that he fell, and that stone was the stone that the waves cast up on the shore and [some reference to ashes in a cloak/cloth?]. Afterwards, the stone was recognized [and Mongán was dead as a result?] i.e. the eleventh year of Suibhne Minn and before his passing Mongán put the stone into his mother’s hand and the mother recognized it. Thus the man who killed him and all the crew of his ship were able [?to leave] and Mongán didn’t let any of them be killed but let them go[?]. But though it was a large fleet none of them reached the eastern sea without dying or drowning but one man only.

[This part I’m really not sure about] Then the dying Mongán said to his mother: ‘I will be alive in a year in my grave and open the grave.’ [The next sentence I don’t follow] The day came however [and] she found warmth in her son’s body and [thick?] sweat through his side and blood flowing from his nose and him trying to rise. ["if it’s true" writes the Christian scribe in Latin] An additional year after than? his father lived.

I might ask someone with better knowledge of Old/Middle Irish about this, but in the mean time it might be worthwhile asking w:en:User:Angr. Fascinating story anyway, especially the apparent resurrection!
Moilleadóir 10:09, 8 Iúil 2008 (UTC)Reply


[cuir in eagar]

Hi Moilleadóir,

do you have example scentences for every entry as the german wiktionary has, in this wiki? If yes, what is the name of the template i have to use or could you show me an example entry?

kind regards, Thorsten 10:48, 11 Iúil 2008 (UTC)


[cuir in eagar]

Hi. With the release of MediaWiki 1.13 coming up, I would like to ask you if you can please translate/correct the most often used messages for ga as soon as possible. Thanks! Siebrand 20:16, 14 Iúil 2008 (UTC)Reply


[cuir in eagar]

I have made this change because I am quite sure it must be a mistake but I'm not 100% sure. Please revert it if I am wrong. Thanks. -- 14:42, 30 Lúnasa 2008 (UTC)Reply

The velar approximant ɰ is correct for western and northern dialects, but the sound file is the southern pronunciation. The consonant/vowel distinction is pretty arbitrary at times, but I wouldn’t call this a consonant. I think you could make a case that including it is overly phonetic in what is supposed to be a phonemic representation, but it's used in the Irish Phonology article at Wikipedia which is our template for Irish IPA. It's looks a little clumsy at times, but it has the advantage of being something that’s already been decided (presumably by argument) already.
It would be great if we had IPA and sound files clearly marked for dialect, but it’s hard to get the staff you know ;). ☸ Moilleadóir 10:27, 31 Lúnasa 2008 (UTC)Reply

días / díes

[cuir in eagar]

¡Hola! Thanks for all (welcome and corrections). I've changed asturian díes pronunciation. I'll try to collaborate here adding information about iberic languages from now. Saludos. --Juan renombrado 14:29, 5 Meán Fómhair 2008 (UTC)Reply

sub word

[cuir in eagar]

Hi Moilleadóir, can you tell me, how to add words like full moon to the article of moon (German: Halbmond to Mond) or should i create only seperate articles for these words? Kind regards, Thorsten Talk 12:29, 10 Deireadh Fómhair 2008 (UTC)

Sorry I haven't replied sooner - I've been away for most of this month. I think we should do both!
First add a section before the translations using the {{-fréamh-}} template for a heading and the collapsible box templates. E.g.
{{(| }}
* [[]]
* [[]]
* [[]]
* [[]]
Then add links in the bullet list to the articles for the different phrases derived from the main word. The {{--|sean}} subsection is for seanfhocail "proverbs" or figures of speech, i.e. whole sentences rather than a noun qualified by an adjective.
Hope that makes sense. Cheers, ☸ Moilleadóir 05:08, 24 Deireadh Fómhair 2008 (UTC)Reply

Fáilte ar ais

[cuir in eagar]

... nice to see you around!! ;) - Alison 07:03, 7 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)Reply

Umm, and do we need to add an image, do you think? ^_^ - Alison 07:05, 7 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)Reply
Thanks. Lets just not go there! OTOH on the net we'd have plenty to choose from. Or maybe just a pic of one of your favourite 'visitors', hmmm? ☸ Moilleadóir 09:11, 7 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)Reply


[cuir in eagar]

A Mhoilleadóir, is cosúil go bhfuil sé de chumhacht agat leathanaigh 'speisialta' a athrú, n'fheadar an bhféadfá na ceartúcháin a leanas a dhéanamh:

1. Ar an bpríomhleathanach, sa bhosca 'Comhthionscadail' tá botún sa téacs: Vicíollscoil, Uirlisí stadair

→ Uirlisí staidéir. Bhí an téacs seo i dteimpléad. ☸ Moilleadóir 23:09, 30 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)Reply

2. Má chuirtear an 'cursor' os cionn nasc go leathanach nach bhfuil cruthaithe go fóill feictear an teachtaireacht: (Níor scríobheadh fós)

<osna mhór> Is iomaí aistriúchán aisteach cosúil leis seo atá ann fós i mbogearraí MediaWiki. D'athraigh mé é go "níl an leathanach ann" ("page does not exist" an leagan Béarla) ach b'fhéidir nach bhfeicfidh tú é anseo go ceann tamaill. ☸ Moilleadóir 23:09, 30 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)Reply

3. Má dhéanntar iarracht leathanach a sríosadh cheanna a athchruthú feictear an rabhadh a leanas:

Rabhadh: Tá tú ag athchruthú leathanach ina bhfuil scriostha roimhe. Bhreithneoidh tú cibé go bhfuil sé oiriúnach chun lean an leathanach seo a cur in eagar.

Yikes, d'athróinn é seo chuig: Rabhadh: Tá tú ag athchruthú leathanach a scríosadh cheanna. An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil sé oiriúnach an leathanach seo a athchruthú ? Usjes 16:35, 30 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)Reply

Leagan nua...
Rabhadh: Tá tú ag athchruthú leathanaigh a scriosadh cheana.
An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil sé oiriúnach an leathanach seo a cur in eagar?
Cuirtear an loga scriosta ar fáil anseo mar áis:
Ba "You should consider whether it is appropriate..." an bunleagan Béarla agus cé nach aistriúchán cruinn é "An bhfuil tú cinnte..." is leagan soiléir sothuigthe é ar aon chaoi. ☸ Moilleadóir 23:09, 30 Bealtaine 2009 (UTC)Reply

Cá ndeachaidh na teimpléid ??

[cuir in eagar]

N'fheadar an bhfuil a fhios agat cá bhfuil na teimpléid chun leathanaigh nua a chruthú imithe ? Roimh cúpla lá ó shin dá chuardaínn focal nach raibh sa Vicífhoclóir go fóill chuirtí teimpléad ar fáil nuair a bhruití an cnaipe 'Cruthaigh alt', ach anois ní fheicim ach leathanach glan. Bhí sé i bhfad níos éasca le na teimpléid.


D'athraigh siad bogearraí MediaWiki sa chaoi nach dtaispeánfar an leathanach a bhfuil na teimpléid ann nuair a bhrúnn tú ar an gcnaipe "Gabh". D'fhiafraigh mé (agus cúpla duine ó Vicífhoclóirí eile) orthu é a revertáil ach níl a fhios 'am an ndéanfaidh siad é. Tá súil go mbeidh daoine ón Vicífhoclóir Béarla in ann é seo a réiteach mura revertálfar an t-athrú seo. ☸ Moilleadóir 04:52, 6 Iúil 2009 (UTC)Reply
Is cosúil go bhfuil stad beagnach iomlán tagtha le forbairt an Vicífhoclóra ó chuaigh na teimpléid in easnamh. Bhreathnáíos ar an Vicífhoclóir Béarla inniu agus is cosúil go bhfuil teimpléid ar fáil (eg. http://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=skellington&go=Go) N'fheadar ar féidir na cinn Gaeilge a chur ar fáil arís ar an slí céanna ? (Usjes 17:23, 5 Aibreán 2010 (UTC))Reply
B'fhéidir é a dhéanamh gan dabht, ach an bhfuil an t-am agam? Faigheann an fhoireann en.wikt réitigh d'fhadhbanna cosúil leis an gceann seo go sciobtha ach ní bhíonn na réitigh sin simplí agus go hiondúil bíonn spleáchais (dependencies) ann ina cuid cóid nach éasca a dtuiscint. Cuirfidh mé súil ar an gceist an seachtain seo ar aon chaoi. ☸ Moilleadóir 20:16, 5 Aibreán 2010 (UTC)Reply
Tá an sean-leathanach (MediaWiki:Noexactmatch) cóipeáilte agam (faoi dheireadh) chuig an leagan nua (MediaWiki:Searchmenu-new). Tá sé ag oibriú i gceart dom féin ach nílim cinnte anois nach raibh athruithe cóid eile ag baint leis agus b'fhéidir nach bhfuil siad sin ar fáil duit. An bhfuil sé ag oibriú? ☸ Moilleadóir 16:50, 12 Bealtaine 2010 (UTC)Reply

Dublin Coat of Arms

[cuir in eagar]

Hi Moilleadóir, could you please tell me whats the translation of "Dublin Coat of Arms"? I'd like to add it to the commons description of the picture of the dublin coat of arms and to the description in the german wiktionary. Many thanks, Ogmios

Hi Ogmios, that'd be Armas Bhaile Átha Cliath. Cheers ☸ Moilleadóir 03:53, 3 Márta 2010 (UTC)Reply
Hi Moilleadóir, thank you. I added it to the german wiktionary and commons. Thorsten Talk 12:38, 5 Márta 2010 (UTC)


[cuir in eagar]

Conas tá? - Alison 07:24, 7 Iúil 2010 (UTC) (waves atcha!)Reply

Cló Gaelach

[cuir in eagar]

N'fheadar an bhfuil polaisí ag an Vicífhoclóir maidir leis an aibítir gur gá úsáid agus leathanaigh nua á chruthú? Le gairid tá roinnt leathanaigh cruthaithe ag Ruadhanogliosain sa Chló Gaelach seachas san aibítir Rómhánach. msh:

ſpɼiocṫeanga, bain.⁴ (iol. ſpɼiocṫeangaċa)

   Iſ í an ſpɼiocṫeanga an teanga atá tú a ḟoġlaim nó a ḃfuil tú ag aiſtɼiú ċuici.

Níor mhait liom drochmhisneach a chur ar rannpháirtí nua ach feicim go bhféadfadh rudaí éirí thar a bheith casta má cheadaítear iotrálacha a chruthú sa dá aibítir gan é a bhainistiú i gceart. Sílim go mbeadh sé suimiúil leagan de gach leathnach a bheith ar fáil sa Chló Gaelach chomh maith leis an aibítir Rómhánach ach creidim go mbeadh sé níos fearr dá gcruthófaí go h-uathoibríoch ó na leaganacha Rómhánacha iad seachas iad a chruthú go neamhspleách. Cad a cheapann tú, an mbeadh sé seo indéanta? Usjes 22:14, 8 Mí na Samhna 2011 (UTC)

Ceapaim gur rud indéanta é, ach nílim cinnte gur fiú é a dhéanamh. Cé a bhainfeadh tairbhe as? Dhá mbeinn ag cur sean-lámhscríbhinní ar fáil, bheadh tairbhe éigin ann, ach i bhfoclóir sa mbliain 2011? Ní chreidim é. ☸ Moilleadóir 04:32, 10 Mí na Samhna 2011 (UTC)

Aide en français ?

[cuir in eagar]

Bonjour / Hello

Je voudrais savoir si tu pouvais m'aider sur un mot en galicien. On dit Moldóiv ou alors An Mholdóiv pour Moldavie ?

Could you help me about a Galician word? We tell Moldóiv or An Mholdóiv for Moldova? Thanks by advance for your answer.

Cordially, Automatik (talk) 02:02, 28 Márta 2013 (UTC)Reply

Je crois que vous cherchez la traduction irlandaise (ga) pour Moldavie et non pas la traduction galiciene (gl). En Irlandais, elle s'appelle An Mholdóiv [[1]]. En Irlandais le nom de la plupart des pays contient l'article, comme 'Les États Unis' en Francais. (Usjes (talk) 20:48, 29 Márta 2013 (UTC))Reply
En effet je voulais parler de l'irlandais (ga). Merci beaucoup Usjes ! Automatik (talk) 19:41, 30 Márta 2013 (UTC)Reply

Merci Usjes! ☸ Moilleadóir 01:41, 13 Aibreán 2013 (UTC)Reply

Your administrator status on ga.wiktionary

[cuir in eagar]

Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on the wiki listed above. Since that wiki does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, you can reply here or request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after approximately one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards. Rschen7754 05:42, 9 Iúil 2016 (UTC)Reply

Cen chaoi a bhfuil tú?

[cuir in eagar]

Hi there, I see that there hasn't been much activity on ga.wikitionary.org for a while, but that a lot of good work has been put into policies, templates and other things (mainly by yourself and Alison?). I've been adding appendices, translated from the en.wiktionary.org site; you'll see links on my user page.

So, quickly, hello, Dia duit!


Marcas.oduinn (plé) 10:09, 22 Aibreán 2018 (UTC)Reply

Róihinsis (rhg)

[cuir in eagar]

How is the native language "Ruáingga" added to the template "rhg" for "Róihinsis" here? --Apisite (plé) 16:32, 19 Feabhra 2022 (UTC)Reply

The standard term is Róihinsis. Ruáingga would break Irish spelling rules (caol le caol is leathan le leathan). Almost all language names also end in -is. I think my admin status has lapsed as well, so probably no one here can change it. You would need a global admin, but I doubt they would change it to a non-standard name. —⚜Moilleadóir 08:25, 20 Feabhra 2022 (UTC)Reply
I'm still admin here. How can I help? Also - you can always re-apply ;) - Alison 18:41, 21 Feabhra 2022 (UTC)Reply
I’ve been busy keeping an Irish language group afloat during COVID & until this week teaching 4 evening classes each week (now 3). I’m deeply overcommitted and just have no time unfortunately. —⚜Moilleadóir 01:27, 22 Feabhra 2022 (UTC)Reply
Agus cad is ainm duit? "Moilleadóir" - nach ea? :D :D Tuigim - I totally get it. You're doing the Lord's work, mar a déarfá :) - Alison 06:59, 22 Feabhra 2022 (UTC)Reply